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the Field in

Reducing Cravings

Utilizing our Long-Lasting Naltrexone Implants

Get Relief from Cravings to Alcohol, Opiates and Food

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Beat Addiction Recovery

Finally, a comprehensive medication-assisted treatment (MAT) program, that if determined medically necessary by a physician, incorporates cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and peer support that can be integrated into your Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) and Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) treatment practice.

The Denes Family Story


“Almost 4 years ago, after a long battle with addiction to opioids caused from over prescribing, we understood that the only end to our pain was going to be death. We had already attended many funerals of others who were going through the same thing.

Upon researching, we discovered BioCorRx. They were a game changer! The one-on-one counseling and peer support were exactly what we needed. Having someone I could relate to was imperative for my success. I needed that person to understand, walk me through, and not someone I could relapse with whom I met at a support group. They helped fill in the blanks, in addition to treatment, and provided the support that was needed to save our family.

Again, this was 4 years ago, and I’ve been clean ever since with not a single relapse! I only wish that others could have found BioCorRx like we did. For them, it’s too late. However, there are others who could benefit from this wonderful company and lives could be saved.

If you, or someone you love is suffering from opioid addiction, you honestly need to give BioCorRx a try and put an end to your nightmare once and for all.”


Addiction Treatment

More than 2 million Americans live with an opioid use disorder, and many of them grew addicted following a prescription for pain medication. At the Washington Pain Center in Washington, D.C., John Dombrowski, MD, offers addiction treatment to help you recover from your addiction, regardless of whether it began with a prescription or through drinking too much. Call the Washington Pain Center or make an appointment online today to start your journey toward recovery.

What is addiction?

Addiction is a disease in which you grow dependent on a drug and continue to use it despite increasingly negative consequences. Addiction makes you continuously seek the substance, spending too much time and money on acquiring the drug, even when your behaviors negatively impact your relationships and responsibilities.

What causes addiction?

Addiction changes the chemistry and structure of your brain, especially in the region that controls decision making and impulse control. Continued use of a substance changes your brain, making your cravings stronger and creating a dependency on a substance to feel “normal.” Opioids are particularly addictive substances.

The opioid addiction crisis stems from prescription painkillers that weren’t managed correctly or were combined with other therapies to resolve the condition causing the pain. While this statement oversimplifies a national crisis, it’s critical to remember that anyone who uses a prescription opioid is at risk of developing an addiction.


Dr. John Dombrowski is proud to be the face of the BioCorRx® Outpatient Recovery Program.  The program blends aggressive medical management in the form of a minimal procedure that involves the placement of medication sustained-release implants (pellets) which contain the FDA approved medication naltrexone.  The implant procedure is followed up with customized, structured and focused one-on-one medication assisted treatment counseling sessions, specific to naltrexone treatment. Naltrexone is an opioid blocker that removes the “pleasure feelings” in the brain that respond to opioids and alcohol when consumed.  Once implanted, just under the skin, the medication then slowly and completely dissolves over many months.  The naltrexone implants release into the body and eliminate, or significantly reduce, the cravings for drugs and alcohol in most people. This same medicine has been used to help with diet/stubborn obesity. The procedure is an office procedure and takes less than 45 minutes to perform.  More importantly, within hours of receiving, naltrexone implant, participants have reported feeling complete freedom from drug, alcohol and food cravings.

Angie's Story about her son Jordan and the Beat Addiction Program

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